Online Video Conference Interview Meeting

How can virtual training assist your business?

Published: April 06, 2022
Online Video Conference Interview Meeting

RTP has provided in-house auditor training for many Australian organisations, both small and large, across a wide range of industries including construction, government, mining, and health. Some of these courses have been delivered in the traditional face-to-face classroom setting, but increasingly we are delivering our training virtually via our online digital classroom. In this article, we discuss the benefits of our virtual training and how it can help your organisation. 

How can virtual training assist your business?

In 2020 as the world was locking down in response to COVID-19, RTP had to quickly reimagine the way we delivered our training. You may remember how words like “pivot” and “agile” came into the everyday vernacular in 2020 and we were one of the many businesses who had to do just that. The development of our online digital classroom enabled our training and our students’ professional development to continue whilst COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing restrictions were in place. The platform was developed specifically for our training and recreated the face-to-face classroom experience with mini breakout workshops, real-time interaction with the trainer and other participants, and online assessment. 

As our borders start to open and restrictions ease, we continue to offer virtual training as a delivery option for our public and in-house courses. We have had an excellent uptake of virtual training as a delivery method as many people and organisations begin to see its benefits. 

  • Saves time and money

For some organisations, particularly those with dispersed workers, the cost of attending face-to-face training can be quite prohibitive once airfares, hotels, meals, and other expenses are factored in. With attendance via an online digital classroom these costs are eliminated, allowing those training budgets to stretch a lot further. Additionally, having staff attend virtually, reduces the amount of time they have to spend traveling and/or away from home and the office.

Lady sitting at desk wearing headphones on a Zoom call with her grey cat sitting on desk.
  • Greater flexibility

The pandemic has brought about a huge change in the way we work that is here to stay. Many of us can work from home and/or flexibly, eliminating the daily commute, and bringing about a better work/life balance. Our virtual training can be attended remotely from anywhere that suits you best and has a wifi connection, making the juggle with outside work commitments that little bit easier. Plus, it’s pretty awesome to be able to attend training in your pyjama pants and ugg boots with your pet by your side (we do encourage people to keep their cameras on though)! 

  • Boosted engagement 

Our online digital classroom is a collaborative learning environment. Learners are active participants as the virtual format encourages participants to interact more than they may in a face-to-face environment. While some people are happy to ask questions during face-to-face training, others may not be as comfortable and prefer to use the chat functionality. Virtual training allows both types of questions to be asked, ensuring participants can seek clarity in a way that suits them. Additionally, notes can be made online and the course content can be downloaded at a later time, meaning that lost notes and workbooks are a thing of the past. 

  • Best of both worlds

It is important to note that our virtual training differs from online training/eLearning in that it is live and interactive. The advance in web-based collaboration tools enables real-time communication, clear audio and video, and the ability to complete and submit work all online. While self-directed eLearning has many benefits, participants can lose focus and procrastinate. Live virtual training eliminates this and allows similar engagement to face-to-face learning from the comfort of home. 

Here is what some of our past students have said about our virtual training:

“Going into the training, I was quite concerned as to how it would work as a virtual course during COVID-19. I was very impressed how well the trainer managed the group virtually, and it ended up being a great use of my time during the work from home restrictions with limited disruptions.” – Katie Moor

“First time on a virtual platform and thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility of the training. Very knowledgeable and understanding presenter.” – Janine Looby

“Well structured and focused training from an experienced auditor, this was delivered in a user-friendly virtual environment that I found surprisingly effective.” – Paul Fitzpatrick

“My original expectation for the virtual course were low at best but the trainer did a great job at holding the room together on time and keeping you involved throughout the course. The breakouts with random group members were good and gave you an opportunity to share experiences. Thanks again.” – Steven Walters

“The virtual classroom coupled with an enthusiastic trainer made the course easy to run through and as good as any face to face courses I have ever attended.” – Gary Lucas 

Our in-house courses can be customised to your organisation’s needs and processes and optimised for a specific audience and culture. We can work with you to co-create a learning solution that ensures knowledge retention and participant engagement.

For more information, please call us on 1300 95 96 92.

Back to Insights

“The virtual classroom coupled with an enthusiastic trainer made the course easy to run through and as good as any face to face courses I have ever attended.”

It was evident that the trainer had significant industry related experience in auditing. They were able to reinforce learnings and keep us interested by integrating their experiences into the course with relevant and engaging real world examples.

Course was enjoyable and I like the fact that we’re given a copy of the each of the Standards!

Honestly thought it was gonna be boring. I was very wrong! Very engaging and informative. Loved all 5 days and will be back for more courses!

Really enjoyed the training. What could be a very stale topic was delivered in a very engaging and detailed way. I particularly enjoyed the conversational delivery of the content and the practical activities were challenging and well presented. The catering was great too.

Need help finding a course?

Speak directly with a member of the RTP team to decide which course is right for you.
