What our Integrated Management Systems courses cover
Our Integrated Management Systems course will give you practical understanding of the individual requirements of the Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001 and the OH&S 45001 standard. You also will gain an understanding of the elements and clauses that allow the standards to prescribe a more holistic, risk-based approach to the three disciplines.
Our Integrated Management Systems Lead Auditor course will additionally teach you how to perform an effective, value-adding audit in alignment with ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems.
With over 90% of all certificates held for management systems certification in Australia being either Quality, Environment or OH&S standards, providing an integrated solution streamlines an organisation’s processes and the audit process.

Which Integrated Management Systems training course suits you best?
If you want to learn how to conduct an audit of an Integrated Management System, our Integrated Management Systems Lead Auditor course is the one for you. This course will give you the knowledge to get the most out of your audits – giving you knowledge of how to conduct a management systems audit and an understanding of the three main disciplines of Quality, Environment and OH&S. Completion of this course will allow you to register as a third-party Integrated Management Systems auditor.
Our Integrated Management Systems course will leave you with an comprehensive and practical understanding of the the Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001 and the OH&S 45001 standards.
Our training is internationally recognised by Exemplar Global.