EDIT: This information was current as of December 2019. Exemplar Global may have updated their requirements for registration. Please visit Exemplar Global’s website for up-to-date information on how to become certified with them.
Exemplar Global has recently made some changes to their process for individual registration. Read on to find out more.
Who are Exemplar Global?
Exemplar Global (EG) provide certification to people, like you, who seek further professional recognition. They also provide independent certification for training providers, like RTP, to enhance their course quality and student outcomes.
Following successful completion of one of our internationally-recognised Exemplar Global certified courses, you may be able to register with Exemplar Global to be an external quality, environmental, OH&S, Information Security, or Food Safety auditor. Registering with EG isn’t typically necessary for those wishing to work as internal auditors.
Why register with Exemplar Global?
Certification with Exemplar Global gives your clients confidence in your skills and abilities. Not only that, it is often required for people who wish to work as an external auditor for a certification body, as well as those who consult in management systems. In Australia, many certification bodies require their auditors to be registered.
Changes to registration
In September 2019, Exemplar Global restructured their Management Systems certification programmes for Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001, and Occupational Health & Safety ISO 45001. Under the previous regime, applicants had two pathways to register for individual certification – the Qualification Based pathway and the Competency Based pathway.
The new model offers a single pathway to registration via Qualification Based Certification programmes. Under Qualification Based Certification programmes, applicants must complete a Work Style Assessment. Skills Assessments are no longer a requirement for registration as they were part of the Competency Based pathway.
How to register with Exemplar Global
The first stage of registering with Exemplar Global is to gain the necessary competency units required for the discipline you wish to audit. At a minimum, all applicants are required to have completed Exemplar Global AU along with one scheme (for example Exemplar Global QM and/or Exemplar Global EM and/or Exemplar Global OH 45001). Those wishing to register as an audit team leader or provisional auditor are also required to have successfully completed Exemplar Global TL.
After you have completed training in the discipline you wish to gain certification in, you need to submit your Certificate of Attainment to Exemplar Global. Your certificate must reflect the competency units you wish to gain certification in. For example, a Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor registration application would have the following competency units listed on the certificate: AU & TL ISO 19011:2018 ; QM: ISO 9001:2015
Once you have your certificate, you are eligible to apply for a personal certification in one of the following grades:
- Auditor Grade (certificate needs to reference relevant scheme + AU)
- Lead Auditor Grade (certificate needs to reference relevant scheme + AU & TL)
- Master Grade – (certificate needs to reference relevant scheme + AU & TL and required to show documentation illustrating 12 years experience as a Lead Auditor)
Applications for registration are done online. Once you have submitted your Certificate of Attainment, you will then need to complete a Work Style Assessment. The cost of this assessment depends on the grade you are applying for. Contact Exemplar Global for more information on their fees.
Work Style Assessment
The Work Style Assessment is completed online. It replaces the Qualification and Competency based pathways for registration that Exemplar Global previously offered. It is a self-coaching development tool that provides understanding of your strengths as an auditor, opportunities for further training that may benefit your auditing career, and professional development areas for consideration. The Work Style Assessment gives proof that you have the necessary work values, style, and attitude attributes related to those defined in ISO 19011:2018. These include:
- The degree to which you are competitive and take charge
- The degree to which you are focused on achieving challenging goals
- The degree to which you are calm and even tempered
- The degree to which you desire and are comfortable with social interaction
- The degree to which you are sensitive to the feelings of others and are empathetic
- The degree to which you are detail focused, organized, and methodical
- The degree to which you are curious, imaginative, and open to new ideas
The Work Style Assessment is taken online and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, though there is no time limit.
Throughout the assessment you will be asked to answer questions based on your first impression. There are no right or wrong answers and there is no pass or fail. It’s all about understanding yourself better.
Responses are automatically processed, and a PDF report is emailed to you within one hour of completing the survey.
If you have completed the Work Style Assessment within the three years prior to application, further assessment is not required.
We recommend you browse the Exemplar Global website to view their certification programmes and requirements. There is a Fee Calculator to help understand fees and payment conditions.
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